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Partners, Supporters and more

The New Brunswick Federation of Woodlot Owners (NBFWO) engages with landowners, universities, governments (provincial and federal), conservation groups, and many other organizations to be able to provide our members throughout New Brunswick with a network of information specialists, for whatever goals they have for their woodlot.

Our projects have been supported by:

We are members of:

  • Canandian Forest Owners (CFO) represents 450,000 forest landowners, large and small, who are committed to long-term sustainable forest management for a healthy climate and thriving communities.

  • Wildland Fire Management Working Group (WFMWG) is a federal, provincial and territorial committee of senior wildland fire managementrepresentatives.

  • Appalachian Hardwood Forest Working Group

  • Land Stewardship Group

Atlantic Forestry Review

launched in 1994, is a magazine for woodlot owners, foresters, contractors and technicians in Atlantic Canada. NBFWO members can receive a discount!

Birds Canada

is the country’s only national organization dedicated to bird conservation. Our mission is to drive action to increase the understanding, appreciation, and conservation of birds in Canada.

Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society NB

works to protect the large, connected areas of New Brunswick’s wilderness that you love and the natural areas we all need.

Community Forests International

shares and develops knowledge and tools that help build the capacity of rural landowners to manage their lands for climate mitigation and increase our forests’ ability to adapt to climate change. Together we work to manage Acadian forests to store more carbon and mitigate the effects of climate change on the forests.

Conservation Council of NB

is a non-profit organization that works to find practical solutions to help families and citizens, educators, governments and businesses protect the air we breathe, the water we drink, the precious marine ecosystem and the land, including the forest, that support us.

Fundy Model Forest

Fundy Model Forest is a partnership that works to advance sustainable forest management in New Brunswick Forests. Fundy Model Forest is a member of the Canadian Model Forest Network which is part of the International Model Forest Network. There are 7 Model Forests in Canada and more than 50 world-wide.


is a research initiative that started in 2014, dedicated to keeping our forest green and healthy by protecting it from spruce budworm.

New Brunswick Maple Syrup Association

is a non-profit organization and the only consortium of the maple syrup producers in the province. Its mission is to represent the interests of its members, to facilitate the constant improvement of quality and standards and to promote the industry to consumers and abroad.

Maritime College of Forest Technology

MCFT, formerly the Maritime Forest Ranger School (MFRS) Fredericton, New Brunswick was established in April 1946.

Maritime Forest Accord

an initiative aimed at restoring the health of the Wabanaki forest by supporting the people who care for it.

Mycological Society of New Brunswick (MycoNB)

Mycological Society of New Brunswick (MycoNB) is a federally registered non-profit, volunteer-managed association of amateur and professional mycologists and others with an interest in wild mushrooms and other fungi, based in New Brunswick. Our goal is to inspire and spark public interest in and appreciation of fungi and the role it plays in nature.

Nature Conservancy of Canada

works to protect our country’s most precious natural places. Proudly Canadian, we empower people to safeguard the lands and waters that sustain life.

Nature Trust of New Brunswick

is a charitable land conservation organization which focuses on conserving and stewarding private land and engaging New Brunswickers about the importance of protecting our province’s unique natural heritage and biodiversity. Since 1987, we conserved over 9,000 acres (3,600 hectares) of ecologically significant land in more than 60 beautiful and diverse nature preserves throughout the province.

New Brunswick Environmental Network

is a communication network that links together over 100 non-profit environmental organizations. The role of the NBEN is to improve communication and co-operation among environmental groups and between these groups, government and other sectors. The NBEN provides educational opportunities for its member and associate groups and encourages the growth of the environmental movement in New Brunswick. The NBEN is not an advocacy group and does not take positions on any issue.

New Brunswick Invasive Species Council

is a network comprised of NGOs, government, industry, and recreational stakeholders interested in collaborating on invasive species issues in New Brunswick. The goal of NBISC is to strengthen existing partnerships and to coordinate efforts to create a unified provincial response to the emerging environmental, economic, and recreational threats of invasive species.

University of New Brunswick

UNB's Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management was founded more than 100 years ago.

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