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About the Federation

The New Brunswick Federation of Woodlot Owners is a member-based not-for-profit organization which promotes the social and economic interests of private woodlot owners in New Brunswick through a united voice.

New members are welcome; any private woodlot owner, company or organization is eligible to be a member of the NBFWO.

Our History

In 1977, the New Brunswick Federation of Woodlot Producers was incorporated with the purpose of representing private woodlot owners and workers in the market place, with industry and government. In 1985, it was renamed the New Brunswick Federations of Woodlot Owners / Federations des propiétaires de lots boisé du N-B Inc, with the objective of supporting private woodlot owners being maintained.

What We Do


We support and connect you to the people, information and experiences that allow you to maximize the enjoyment of your woodlot.


How We Do It

  • We advocate for your interests and the rights of private woodlot owners at all levels of government,

  • We promote  your economic and social interests as a private woodlot owner,

  • We coordinate educational opportunities,

  • We source funding to implement projects,

  • We collaborate with government departments, the provincial forest products marketing boards and other like-minded organizations,

  • We administer the provincial silviculture program funding for private lands on behalf of the government,

  • We keep you up to date on what is going on with industry, the government and the forest product marketing boards through our monthly newsletter and social media.

New Brunswick's private woodlot owners are a varied group consisting of all ages and backgrounds

The Federation is incorporated under the New Brunswick Companies Act, has by-laws and is governed by a member-elected Board of Directors. 

I would say one of the main reasons I am a member is that I really like receiving the monthly news letter. It really is a way for woodlot owners to keep up to date on what is going on with industry, the government and our Marketing boards. The federation has been around a long time and has a relationship with all stake holders in forestry that would be very hard to replace.

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