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These are some of the questions that we are frequently asked....

Have a question you don't see answered below? 

I have a woodlot, what can I do with it?

Woodlot management is unique to each woodlot and woodlot owner.  The reasons for owning a woodlot may include timber production, conservation for plants and animals, recreation, and managing non-timber products such as maple syrup, mushrooms, or specialty woods for carving.

We encourage every woodlot owner to contact a Forester to set up a consultation where they can assess your woodlot and advise you on what options are possible.  You can contact your local Forest Products Marketing Board and set up an assessment. 


Once you decide on the best options for your woodlot, we can help you find the expert advice you need so can manage your woodlot in a way that is right for you and your forest.   

Who should you contact to report environmental violations, such as a neighbour not leaving a buffer when cutting near a stream?

Contact the Department of Environment and Local Government.  This particular violation would fall under the clean water act.  Wetlands information can be found there as well.

Did you know you can apply online for a Watercourse and Wetland Alteration (WAWA) permit?  Click here to see more information on the GNB website.

How do I find out what the timber value is of my woodlot ?

I want to donate / sell my land for conservation?  Who can I talk to?

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