Riparian areas
Information about wetlands, watercourses, watersheds and flood plains
Watercourses and Wetlands are regulated under the Government of NB's Environment and Local Government.
Maintaining and restoring riparian areas provides many benefits:
Breeding habitat for cavity-nesting ducks and songbirds, bees and other pollinators, raptors and ruffed grouse, etc. You can help enhance the habitat by building and mounting nest boxes, raptor platforms and drumming logs.
Tree roots stabilize eroding stream banks, decrease sediment, and absorb nutrients.
Falling organic debris provides aquatic food sources.
Stream temperatures are moderated by shade cover.
Carbon emissions are reduced due to less bare topsoil and through uptake from vegetation.
Learn more about:
agricultural buffers (KWRC)
bank stabilization (KWRC)
flood plain restoration (NWAI)

photo from Kennebecasis Watershed Restoration Committee
The Nashwaak Watershed Association now offers the 'Natural Edge Program', which offers free riparian restoration assistance in the Nashwaak Watershed.
Watch a Webinar recording: Natural Edge – A Guide to Riparian Restoration for Landowners
Recorded March 26, 2024, the webinar featured Chloe Lajoie of Watersheds Canada, who spoke about the benefits of a natural shoreline, how to increase climate resiliency, and what landowners can do on their own properties.