Thank you for becoming a member of the NB Federation of Woodlot Owners.
There are over 42,000 private woodlot owners in New Brunswick. By joining the Federation your voice is now part of a greater whole.
The Federation has seen many changes in the past year. A ruling by the NB Forest Products Commission in October of 2021 meant that the seven provincial Forest Marketing Boards could no longer be members of the Federation as Marketing Boards cannot lobby for changes to legislation or regulations that impact their powers.
In order to continue our vision to be a dynamic and sustainable network of private forest owners, we needed to pivot how we operate. Some people thought it might be the end of the Federation, but we are changing and growing! In May 2022, a new board of directors was elected from amongst the membership, and every person that joins the Federation has a vote at our Annual General Meetings. You have a say in the values and direction of the Federation, and we will continue to promote and amplify the concerns and interests of the membership.
We welcome all comments, suggestions and questions from our members. Feel free to reach out at any time.