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July 18, 2022

Land Use Planning in NB - Statements of Public Interest

The NBFWO has been invited by the provincial government, as part of the Local Governance Reform Initiative, to hear our thoughts on the proposed Statements of Public Interest which the provincial government plans to introduce as a Regulation under the Community Planning Act.

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December 19, 2022

The provincial government has passed legislation that will allow additional royalties to be collected to add to the Private Woodlot Sustainability Fund starting this summer.

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July 18, 2022

Land Use Planning in NB - Statements of Public Interest

The NBFWO has been invited by the provincial government, as part of the Local Governance Reform Initiative, to hear our thoughts on the proposed Statements of Public Interest which the provincial government plans to introduce as a Regulation under the Community Planning Act.

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December 13, 2022

Province achieves goal of protecting 10 per cent of land and freshwater

The provincial government announced today that it is protecting an additional 277,900 hectares of Crown land to reach its goal of protecting 10 per cent of the province’s land and freshwater.

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July 18, 2022

Land Use Planning in NB - Statements of Public Interest

The NBFWO has been invited by the provincial government, as part of the Local Governance Reform Initiative, to hear our thoughts on the proposed Statements of Public Interest which the provincial government plans to introduce as a Regulation under the Community Planning Act.

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November 16, 2022

Bill-7 past 3rd reading

The Private Land Sustainability Fund passed third reading on Nov 16th.  This act has happened, at least in part, because of the advocacy work of the Federation and our ongoing efforts to bring the issues facing woodlot owners before the government.

The Private Land Sustainability Fund (PLSF) is funded by Crown Royalties and will be used to

(a) support additional silviculture on private woodlots,

(b) engage owners of private woodlots in developing management plans,

(c) support the development and completion of management plans by providing training, educational materials and other support on forest management to owners of private woodlots, and

(d) enhance fire and pest protection on private woodlots.


There are currently no details available on how the assets of this fund will be dispersed, who will be able to access the fund or what activities will be supported.

July 18, 2022

Land Use Planning in NB - Statements of Public Interest

The NBFWO has been invited by the provincial government, as part of the Local Governance Reform Initiative, to hear our thoughts on the proposed Statements of Public Interest which the provincial government plans to introduce as a Regulation under the Community Planning Act.

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October 27, 2022


After 4 years of discussions with government, on October 26th, 2022, Bill-7 was introduced for the 'Private Woodlot Sustainability Act' in the NB Legislature.

Link to the Act:

Link to video of Minister Holland introducing the Bill:

(skip ahead to about 1 hour and 43 minutes)

The NBFWO has advocated for changes that will benefit private woodlot owners for many years and we look forward to hearing the additional details of this Bill during 2nd reading that the minister referenced in his speech.

July 18, 2022

Land Use Planning in NB - Statements of Public Interest

The NBFWO has been invited by the provincial government, as part of the Local Governance Reform Initiative, to hear our thoughts on the proposed Statements of Public Interest which the provincial government plans to introduce as a Regulation under the Community Planning Act.

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October 6, 2022

Written Submission for the Pre-Budget Consultations in Advance of the Upcoming Federal Budget

Earlier today CFO submitted a written proposal for the Pre-Budget Consultations in Advance of the Upcoming Federal Budget. This proposal included two separate recommendations :


  1. That the government recognize the importance of investment, job creation in the forest sector and rural economic development by implementing a Personal Silvicultural Savings and Investment Plan for Canadian forest owners.

  2. That the government confirm the leadership and competitiveness of Canadian forest sector, its contribution to economic growth and innovation with the renewal of key Canadian Forest Service Programs (NRCan).


We included almost all edits suggested. However we were constrained by a maximum length of the proposal.


This topic could (should) be discussed and shared amongst members, I am assuming the board members as well as the association chamber will want to take a look.


Thanks for all your help!



Vincent Miville, ing.f. M.Sc.

Link to the proposal

July 18, 2022

Land Use Planning in NB - Statements of Public Interest

The NBFWO has been invited by the provincial government, as part of the Local Governance Reform Initiative, to hear our thoughts on the proposed Statements of Public Interest which the provincial government plans to introduce as a Regulation under the Community Planning Act.

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September 26, 2022

First Recipient Awarded Christopher Lee Scholarship Researching Link Between Contemporary Issues and Forestry Media Coverage

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Diego Corry with Domenico Iannidinardo.jpg
July 18, 2022

Land Use Planning in NB - Statements of Public Interest

The NBFWO has been invited by the provincial government, as part of the Local Governance Reform Initiative, to hear our thoughts on the proposed Statements of Public Interest which the provincial government plans to introduce as a Regulation under the Community Planning Act.

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September 9, 2022
Vincent Miville with Jog Raj Giri.jpg


OTTAWA, ONꟷCanadian Forest Owners is pleased to announce the first recipient of the Peter deMarsh Memorial Bursary has been awarded to the President of the Association of Family Forest Owners Nepal, Jog Raj Giri. This award enabled Raj Giri to attend the 5th World Congress on Agroforestry held in Quebec City from July 17-20, 2022, where he presented the challenges and opportunities facing Nepalese forest owners to an international audience.


The 5th World Congress on Agroforestry promoted knowledge sharing for a transition to a unified and healthy world. Agroforestry helps improve soil health, protect water quality, increase biodiversity, mitigate and adapt to climate change, and provide food security, health and revenues. It is an essential component of the needed ecological, energetic, social and economic transition.


“This bursary is a natural extension of Peter deMarsh’s achievements, who worked to convince millions of forest owners around the world to act collectively within local, regional, national and international organizations to create better policy to support sustainable forests,” says Canadian Forest Owners Director Vincent Miville, and Managing Director, Quebec Forest Producers Association.


Jog Raj Giri co-founded the Association of Family Forest Owner’s Nepal under the guidance of Peter deMarsh.

This Peter deMarsh bursary awards up to $3,000 to help representatives of woodlot owners’ associations participate in international conferences dealing with issues involving forest owners.


Pictured here: Vincent Miville, Canadian Forest Owners Director & Managing Director, Quebec Forest Producers Association, with Peter deMarsh bursary winner Jog Raj Giri, President of the Association of Family Forest Owners Nepal.                 

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July 18, 2022

Land Use Planning in NB - Statements of Public Interest

The NBFWO has been invited by the provincial government, as part of the Local Governance Reform Initiative, to hear our thoughts on the proposed Statements of Public Interest which the provincial government plans to introduce as a Regulation under the Community Planning Act.

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September 7, 2022


OTTAWA, ON–Canadian Forest Owners (CFO) is proud to announce Master of Fine Arts student Lara Felsing at Emily Carr University of Art & Design and Maxime Saulnier, who is completing a Master's degree in forestry at Laval University
in Québec City, are the first recipients of the Peter deMarsh Memorial Bursary for research. Each have been awarded $10,000 to support the final stage of their studies.

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July 18, 2022

Land Use Planning in NB - Statements of Public Interest

The NBFWO has been invited by the provincial government, as part of the Local Governance Reform Initiative, to hear our thoughts on the proposed Statements of Public Interest which the provincial government plans to introduce as a Regulation under the Community Planning Act.

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July 18, 2022

Land Use Planning in NB - Statements of Public Interest

The NBFWO has been invited by the provincial government, as part of the Local Governance Reform Initiative, to hear our thoughts on the proposed Statements of Public Interest which the provincial government plans to introduce as a Regulation under the Community Planning Act.

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July 7, 2022

Crown Royalty Rates

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June 10, 2022

Canadian Forest Owners AGM

Our own Susannah Banks, Executive Director of NBFWO, gathered with fellow members of the Canadian Forest Owners (CFO) in Ottawa on June 7 – 8, 2022 to meet with more than 20 federal MPs, senators, deputy ministers, directors and political advisors to talk about the important role private forestland owners play in helping Canada meet its climate change targets.

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